30 July 2009

The 12th ITB Angklung Chorus Festival in Brief

Festival Paduan Angklung XII ITB (The 12th ITB Angklung Chorus Festival or FPA XII ITB) is a routine working program of Keluarga Paduan Angklung Institut Teknologi Bandung (Family of ITB Angklung Chorus or KPA ITB) in the form of a week of angklung music creativity conducted for the public both domestic and overseas in order to maintain a mutual social realationship, to raise various issues about the world of angklung, and to become a competition place of angklung music.

FPA XII ITB will be conducted for 6 days, starting from 16 – 21 November 2009, taking place in the area of ITB campus, and it will be made lively by various teams of both domestic and overseas angklung figures. It will be a real action of preserving the existence of angklung music nationally and internationally.

There are many program will be held. So, prepare for attending and participating this event! For more information visit their official site at http://www.fpa-itb.com/

Pic and some of information are taken here.